
Sunday, August 29, 2010


I don't know how long it will go but I need a sound board to just tell somebody what I did. Yes I know there isn't a lot of people that will read it but at least there is something that hold me accountable.
The goal of this blog is to keep track of the new habits that I learn. There is a lot but I only want to start with 24. The reason for that is that Flylady and Jon Gabriel told me that to learn a new habit and establish it take 30 days, so it is 1 month.
I will take 1 old habit and reestablish it and 1 total new habit to learn it.
I don't know if it will be possible for me to come back here every day, but I will give report back every Sunday morning.
The old habits is as follow, this is the habits flylady try to learn me but I am to stubborn to learn it.
1. Shine my sink: This is when the kitchen is cleaned and neat before bed time.
2. Put my clothes out for tomorrow.
3. Swish and swipe: This mean clean the bathroom
4. Mount washmore: Laundry every day, wash, fold up, iron and put away.
5. Declutter every day,Room rescue every day
6. Loving movement: Some form of exercising
7. Getting dressed to the shoes, lash-up shoes
8. Making my bed
9. Drinking water, Menu Planning
10. Before bed Routine
11. Paper clutter
12. Pampering

Here is the new routines that I want to establish:
1. Praying the 5 elements of a prayer; Praise and Worship, Confession, Thanks, Intercession, Dedication.
2. Face my finance
3. Visualization according Jon Gabriel methods
4. Detailed cleaning 1 room a week
5. Some private time with my dh daily
6. Packed lunch boxes daily
7. 30min for hobbies daily
8. WHB each week
9. Loving my garden weekly
10. Study or read 30 min a day
11. Baked cookies weekly
12. Repair all the clothes weekly.

Ok I will start the 1 September because that is the beginning of new life.
The first 2 habits is Shine my sink and Pray the 5 elements.

This is how I will do it, will give report of how long it took me the first time to clean up the sink, How it feel when i did it daily.

Please feel free to leave a comment.